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Job Hunting Myths

It's Been Too Long 

BUSTED:  You are never too young to seek the advice and services of an Investment Professional.  In fact, the mistakes made investing at a young age are significantly compounded by the number of years you'll be investing and could cost you tens of thousands of $$ or more.

I Live Too Far Away

BUSTED:  Most of us want to leave our heirs with a nice nest-egg.  Investments that your heirs are not comfortable with could potentially cost them lots of tax pain via selling and resetting their inheritance portfolio.  It's easy for Integrated Investments to work with your heirs to ensure a portfolio that both are comfortable with.

It Makes Me Sad

BUSTED:  Fee-Only Advisors like Integrated Investment Strategies make NO commission, NO spread on bid-ask, are are here to support your needs.  If you do well, we do well; and if you don't do well, we don't do well.   

Attend Our Upcoming Alumni Webinar

Our Webinars and Zoom Meetings Are A Great Way to To Interact and Reconnect
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